Eric Wolfram's Writing, Review of Last Wedding

Last Wedding

Directed by Bruce Sweeney

This lighthearted film in the Canadian tradition, is a satire on wedding rituals and relationships. The writers use slapstick references to pubic hair and herpes -- the film goes there. quick to sacrifice any depth and realizm for the stupidest little joke, in that way, the film mocks itself and tumbles forward. It definetly crosses the line between satire and bitter cynicism.

If the humor is not "over the top", then it's right on the summet an leaning over. It offers no reconsiliations, each scene is a basic conflict with no depth -- black and white with no grey.

It's about infidelity. Three couples -- two married and one about to get married all end up apart. They are all in their thirties. The third couple's wedding is over before it starts -- they go from hot to cold with no warmth or realizm. It's an unromantic comedy.

One guy can't handle his wife's success. The other can't handle his wife's lack of success. These are the bases for the simple conflicts. If you believe in sticking together, and that the world is meant for two people together, then you may want to watch this film to see how the other half lives. It's a male centric view of contemporary relationships.

Country: Canada
Year: 2001
Run Time: 100 minutes
Cast: Benjamin Ratner, Frida Betrani, Tom Scholte, Nancy Sivak, Vincent Gale, Molly Parker
Producer: Stephen Hegyes
Editor: Ross Weber
Cinematographer: David Pelletier
Screenwriter: Bruce Sweeney

This Film Was Viewed at the 45th San Francisco International Film Festival

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