Eric Wolfram's Writing, The Comeback (La rentrée)

The Comeback (La rentrée)

Directed by Francesco Amato

U.S. Premiere -- The agony of the washed-up boxer is the same everywhere, but director Franco Angeli has forged a unique path through the conventions of the boxing film. Fresh out of prison, Mario (Francesco Salvi) returns to his beautiful wife Teresa (Livia Bonifazi) and the daughter who is the apple of his eye. But, to Teresa¹s dismay, rather than the start of a new life, a comeback is what¹s on Mario¹s mind. Teresa refuses to accept the fact that her husband can only find happiness inside the ring, but Mario must follow his bliss.

Preceded by Pen Son (Figlio di penna). 13 min.

My Impressions of this Film
Please return after the festival to see my review

Country: Italy
Year: 2001
Run Time: 96 minutes

This Film can be viewed at the New Italian Film Festival

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